Canine Bacterial Disease
Bacterial infections are much different from viral infections in that they are much larger

Canine bacterial disease is much different than viral infections, although both can be very serious threats to your dog.

In fact, one of the oldest and most destructive diseases in recorded history not only for people but dogs is a bacterial disease called anthrax.


In fully understanding this dog disease, in helps to understand the differences between the types of germs that are the major causes of various diseases in your pet.

The term germ is a reference to any microorganism.

Not all microorganisms cause diseases, but those that do will either be a bacterium, a virus, or some type of fungi.

They are often confused and grouped together, but they are very, very different.

Bactria is different from a virus in that they are much larger. In fact, the largest virus is just barely as big as the smallest bacterium.

However, they are still very small and usually cannot be seen by the human eye; but they are much more complex than a virus.

Most all forms of bacteria have an outer cell wall that is very rigid and come in three basic shapes; spheres, rods, or spirals.

They also have a lining on the inside of the cell that is a plasma type membrane.

This is important because it provides for the support of the bacterium, allowing it to control its environment.

On the very inside of the structure of bacteria is what is referred to as ribosomes.

All living cells have this same substance, but in bacteria it is smaller than what is found in a regular cell.

This is an extremely important point to understand as most modern day antibiotics as well as some very old natural treatments, attack this substance directly.

Because it is smaller, antibiotics can find it and destroy the bad ones while the good ones in normal cells are left alone.

If the immune system in your dog is strong enough, most of these bacteria do not make it past the immune attack points.

However, if it is weak or compromised, your dog's immune system is breached and as a result these attacking bacteria can cause several types of canine bacterial disease.

DalmatiansCanine bacterial disease best treatment is prevention


Lyme disease

This is canine bacterial disease is caused by a bacteria called a spirochete and is transmitted by ticks.

The most common tick to carry this disease is a deer tick and is found primarily in the Northeast, the Upper Midwest, and in all Western states.

For your dog to become infected, this tick must be attached to your pet for at least 48 hours. If it is found and removed before that time your dog will not catch this potentially deadly disease.

What makes this canine bacterial disease especially dangerous is that if the tick does drop off by accident, they seek another host as soon as possible, including humans.

The symptoms of this disease in your dog will usually not surface for two to three months, but when they do, they are severe.

First will be a very high temperature, usually about 103 degrees, followed by lameness and joint swelling.

If severe, it could spread and attack your dog's kidneys, causing kidney failure. There is a vaccination for this disease, but is highly controversial as to how effective it actually is.


This canine bacterial disease is found worldwide and is especially vicious as there are several different stains of these bacteria.

Although there is a vaccine for this disease, it is just like the flu in that it is only good for that one particular strain.

It is caught usually by infected urine, placental transfers, or bites. Stagnate or very slow moving water can also spread this bacteria.

The symptoms include a very high fever of 103 degrees plus, shivering, and muscle tenderness. As it progresses, your dog will start to vomit excessively and dehydrate very rapidly.

Severely infected dogs may than contract hypothermia, which can be fatal.


This canine bacterial disease is caused by bacteria that are spread from dead puppy fetuses. It is estimated that ten percent of all dogs carry this bacteria.

It is the most common bacteria that will affect bitch dogs and their fetuses. It is especially dangerous as it can also be transmitted to humans.

Transmission is caused by the sexual mating of infected dogs, and this bacterium can live in the vaginal and uterine tissues for years, and in some cases, for life.

It can than be passed onto the offspring causing the disease. If the infection is severe, it causes the litter to be aborted or the puppies to die shortly after birth.

If the embryos die in the early stages, they may be absorbed back into the female without ever showing signs of being pregnant.

There is no form of reliable treatment at this time for this disease.

There are a few other diseases that are caused by what is referred to as rickettsia, which is technically somewhere between a bacterium and a virus on the evolutionary scale.

They include Ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mounted Spotted Fever.


So how exactly does your dog fight off canine bacterial disease?

Your dog will produce antibodies that will fight these infections, but it usually takes about a week for the process to consummate.

If that is happening, antibiotics are used if the disease is caught early enough.

However, there is a growing concern that antibiotics are used too frequently in dogs and can actually kill the friendly bacteria in your dog.

These friendly bacteria help to produce natural vitamins that help host organisms to fight off these infections.

In fighting bacteria in dogs, there are several natural remedies that can assist your pet.

Phytonutrients are natural occurring compounds that are found in plants.

They have a tremendous impact on the immune systems in your dog as they are have natural antioxidant and antibacterial affects without harming the friendly bacteria.

They also help the cells protect against oxidation damage and assist in the normal process protecting against invading ribosomes.

Bromelain, which is a digestive enzyme that comes from pineapples, has proven very effective in animal studies in protecting against bacteria's ability to adhere to the mucosal lining in the digestive wall.

This is bacteria's biggest strength, and if this is broken down it has very little chance of forming.

Ginger, a herb found in ginger root has also been found to be very effective in inhibiting both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, especially important if fighting canine bacterial disease.


Bacteria infections are all around your dog and they will encounter these killers in most of their daily activities as they are just waiting for a chance to attack your pet.

If their immune system is well prepared, it can fight off and defeat most any intrusion caused by canine bacterial disease.

Pet Meds for Canine Bacterial Disease

Dog Vitamin Store

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