I am neither a doctor nor a veterinarian or claim to be, but after achieving my MBA, I decided to keep doing research and pass on some knowledge that might be helpful to you and your family as well as your pet, or at least stimulate the thought process.
The affiliate store was created for your selection of several different pet supply companies to choose from.
The dog store is a place to find all of your best friends entire vitamin and nutritional needs
Yellow fat disease in cats is a very painful condition that if not addressed immediately, could result in the death of your cat. It will become so painful
Vitamins for dogs are both necessary and beneficial in your dog’s longevity, as they can provide a much healthier lifestyle for your pet.
Can vitamins for cats help? The answer is a resounding yes especially with any type of a vitamin deficiency. In fact, your cat could not survive without them.
Signs of worms in dogs can range from mild to severe, depending on the actual worm infestation, but in some cases your dog may show no initial signs at all.
The reproductive stages in dogs, contrary to some misconception, can vary a lot depending on the breed and size of your dog.
Red eyes in dogs can be the sign of some very serious underlying conditions in your pet .
Radial nerve paralysis in dogs is one of the most common forms of nerve injuries that affect dogs, but as with all nerve injuries, it is also very mysterious.
Poisoning in dogs can do very little damage or it can take the life of your dog very rapidly.
Pancreatitis in cats comes in two different forms, is a very unpredictable disease, and if it becomes severe enough, it is life threatening.
Mouth cancer in cats is an extremely serious condition, and if it not detected early, it is almost always fatal.
Lymphoma in dogs is the most common form of cancer found in dogs and just the mere mention of the name can stop the hearts of most dog owners.
Nehprolithiasis is not a term most owners are familiar with, but they understand kidney stones in dogs.
Hives in cats, do they actually exist? The answer is very simple; they can and they do exist. Hives come in different forms as well as different degrees.
Heart murmurs in cats may show absolutely no symptoms at all in your pet, and in some kittens, they may totally disappear.
Feline herpes virus is the most common cause of what is referred to as KCS, also known as Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, and is the medical term that describes dry eye in cats.
Emergencies in dogs occur every day and being prepared and understanding some of the basics may help to save the life of your dog.
Dog skin health is absolutely essential as this is the largest and most important organ your dog has
Your dog and allergies can be extremely challenging unless you know what to look for
Declawing of cats is still a fairly new procedure in the overall terms of veterinary medicine, but it is perhaps the most hotly debate topic there is concerning cats.
Coughing in dogs is common on occasion as it is a natural protective reflex that helps clear your pet’s throat or their airways.
Bleeding disorders in cats can be a very minor issue or it can be a life threatening situation that may develop very rapidly in your pet.
The cat store is a great place to find all of your pets special nutritional needs in one easy place
Bladder ruptures in cats can cause sudden vomiting, distension in their abdomen, or cause a lack of urine production which is an extremely dangerous situation.
Aspirin toxicity in cats which is also referred to as salicylate toxicity, can come in several forms other than just aspirin.
Arthritis in cats can and does occur, and it is a huge misconception that this serious aliment only occurs in dogs.
Anisocoria in cats may seem very odd when you first notice it; however, it is anything but odd.
Feline facial nerve paresis can affect your pets ears, lips, eyelids and their nose and in the majority of cases there is absolutely no known cause of why this is happening.
There are several potential causes of arthritis in dogs as well as joint disease, and most all dogs will develop some type of joint problem during their life time.
Alternative treatments for dogs with certain forms of illness and chronic conditions will always be somewhat controversial, but they also have literally thousands of years of proven results.
Canine infectious hepatitis is found world wide and can affect dogs of any age, breed, or sex.
Congestive heart failure in dogs has several potential causes, but the two most common are referred to as DVD and DCM. DVD affects primarily small breeds and older dogs, while DCM affects large breeds