Dog Alkaline Diets
Should always be combined with alkaline water to be totally effective

Are dog alkaline diets beneficial or do they actually do more harm than good?

For several years the medical community ignored this subject altogether, but that is rapidly starting to change as more veterinarians are starting to see firsthand a lot of the potential benefits.

However, when this type of diet is combined with alkaline water, it may produce even more benefits.

It is also very important to understand just like any specialized type of a diet for your dog, it is certainly not a one size fits all solution, as in some cases in may do more harm than good.


In fully understanding if dog alkaline diets can benefit your dog, it is very helpful to understand how alkaline works in their body, as it is very similar to how it works in humans.

The first step is to understand exactly what the term pH level actually means when compared to alkaline.

Acidic pH is a scale measurement of how acidic or basic the structure of any substance is, including food.

The pH scale to measure this difference is based on a scale of 0 to 14 and the middle of that point is .

This is considered to be neutral, which is very important to remember as pure water is considered to be a 7, or neutral.

Dogs mysterious eyesDog alkaline diets can help prevent infections

What most dog owners do not understand is that the pH scale is logarithmic, which means that each and every whole value below is actually ten times higher in acidity then the next higher value.

An example of this is to factor a pH value of 4, which is ten times more acidic then pH5, and 100 times more acidic then pH6.

In other words, it is 10 times more damaging or beneficial, depending on the number.

This same equation will hold true for any value over 7, with each of the numbers being more basic then the next lower whole number value.

The term basic confuses a lot of dog owners, but it is simply another way of saying alkaline.

The best example of this is that pH 10 is ten times more alkaline than pH9, and like the lower number equation, pH10 is 100 times more alkaline than pH8.

Although pure water is considered to be neutral, when certain chemicals are mixed with it, it can go in either direction as well and become more acidic or basic, which again refers to alkaline.

For example, lemon juice and vinegar are considered to be acidic, while basic substances would be milk of magnesia, lye, as well as ammonia.


In the next step in determining if these diets can help your pet, it is very helpful to understand what the pH levels actually mean in commercial dog foods and what ingredients actually make up this food. 

It is also helpful to know how alkaline water may also help in this process, and then what if any benefits there are in dog alkaline diets.

Unless you use haven chosen to use a specialized prescription dog food that is designed specifically to lower pH levels to prevent the formulation of both kidney and bladder stones, the vast majority of all commercially prepared foods will have acidic pH levels.

Regardless of what most companies will say, there is simply no way to avoid these high acidic levels unless you make your own homemade dog alkaline diets.

If you do they must be comprised of raw foods, especially vegetables, as well as some meat ingredients you can utilize.

The most common ingredients include potatoes, beans, and celery, as well as what is referred to as cruciferous vegetables, which include broccoli and cabbage.

However, this grouping of vegetables also includes cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, as well as collard and turnip greens.

This entire group of vegetables is rising to the forefront for dogs because of their ability to fight cancer cells and their growth.

Cucurbit vegetables are also very important and they include pumpkin, squash, cucumbers, and gourd, as well as watermelon and cantaloupe.

Beans, celery, as well as unsweetened cranberry and vegetable juices can also be used in dog alkaline diets to control the pH levels.

However there are also other raw diet ingredients that you can use including bones as well as muscle meats and organs.

In fact supplementing these meat products with the cruciferous vegetables as well as spirulina algae will also give a huge boost to the alkaline levels in this diet.

However, for dog alkaline diets to be completely successful, it is also recommended that you use lower levels of alkaline water for your dog but with one real warning.

Never under any circumstance give it to them with their meal.

For meals you should utilize neutral water only, or water that has been filtered. There are a lot of owners that confuse this with ionization, but this process can affect neutral water, so use only filtered water.

Although alkaline water is a key component of dog alkaline diets, giving it to them during their meal may cause their stomach acids to neutralize most of the key nutrients from this special diet that you are feeding them.

However, do not let this scare you away from this form of water; you simply need to avoid giving it to them 30 minutes before as well as after they have eaten.


So what then are the benefits of in this type of water in dog alkaline diets?

The answer to this question is that if you use it correctly, meaning that it should be somewhere between an 8.5 to 9.0 pH level to be the most effective, it can help to super boost their immune system.

However, it will also help to fight off any infections that may be attacking your dog as well as help to heal any type of skin problems they may be suffering from.

But this is just the internal benefits, as there are also several very powerful external benefits as well.

You can use alkaline water to treat any type of hot spot from allergies or fleas, as well as any type of a bite from a mite or tick.

Because it is non-toxic and contains no chemicals at all, it is extremely soothing as well as helps to prevent infections externally.

Alkaline water in a spray bottle is one thing that you should always have on hand even if you choose not to utilize any of the forms of dog alkaline diets.

However, there is mounting evidence that alkaline water used internally has helped with arthritis in dogs, several types of digestive problems and hip dysplasia.

It can also help with thyroid disorders and respiratory problems when combined with the homemade diet.

There is also a growing consensus that dog alkaline diets can help your dog’s blood as the balance of acids and bases are so tightly regulated that these specialized diets help to keep them balanced.

In doing so, the levels will not go to high or too low.

If your dog’s blood in thoroughly balanced, it helps to keep the chemicals in their body that control their natural pH levels operating at full strength as well.


Dog alkaline diets can have huge impacts on controlling the pH levels in your dog but there are some cases where you should not try them.

If your dog suffers from struvite stones their body is already creating alkaline urine, so you do not want to add to the problem.

If your dog has any type of kidney problem or if they suffer from frequent urinary tract infections, they should also avoid these diets.

However, other than these issues, this is perhaps the ultimate way to naturally control your dog’s pH levels.

By fully utilizing homemade dog alkaline diets you know exactly what your dog is getting every day.

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